With the botanical trend sweeping through 2017 and leaving a fern filled path in its wake, we thought we’d take a look at how you can incorporate this green fingered fashion into your dining experience.
There’s no better way to bring the outdoors in than by introducing a few choice plants to your home or cafe. I hear you asking though ‘what if I can’t keep a plant alive?!’ With what we have in mind you can’t go wrong. The Victorian terrarium trend is making a massive come back and with their low maintenance nature, even the least green fingered of us can have a thriving little plant at the centre of our dinner service!
Mason Jar Terrariums
A simple and cheap place to start in producing your own terrarium is with a Mason Jar or an ordinary jar. These containers make low-cost and effective plant terrariums without compromising on style. The iconic look of the traditional mason jar is perfectly suited to a modernised take on the traditional terrarium. With Mason Jars coming in a range of sizes, you can make this work as a counter top eye catcher or as a simple table centerpiece. Choose how big a statement you want to make then find out how to put one together here.
Bring some leafy goodness to your cocktail bar by introducing a cocktail glass planter. So what will you opt for, a Succulent Margarita or a Ferny Martini? One you’ve selected your plant decide whether you need to go for a big statement with one of our giant cocktail glasses or a more quaint approach with a daintier cocktail glass.
The Classic Cloche
Create a traditional terrarium to rival the greatest Victorian botanists in an elegant and sophisticated Serving Cloche. The larger scale of a cloche will allow you to create a truly striking botanical centerpiece fit for the most exquisite wedding reception.
Water Plant Terrarium
Some of the most striking terrariums are the unexpected. Break away from the moss, ferns and succulents and give water plants a go to create a unique and striking display.
Rustic Plant Display
For an even fresher garden feel, add a few open air plants to your dining space. Herbs have the added advantage of their aromatic scent which will compliment your dishes and your aesthetic. To achieve a natural potting shed style, we’ve got a selection of plant pot serving dishes which will echo the rustic garden look offered by your new plants and can even be used to display the plants themselves